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Vector Biology Manipulation IQ

4.8 ( 8448 ratings )

Vector Biology & Gene Manipulation quiz focuses on all areas of Vector Biology & Gene Manipulation subject covering lots of topics in Vector Biology & Gene Manipulation.

Who should Practice these Vector Biology & Gene Manipulation Questions?
– Anyone wishing to sharpen their knowledge of Vector Biology & Gene Manipulation Subject.
– Anyone preparing for aptitude test in Vector Biology & Gene Manipulation.
– Anyone preparing for interviews (rcampus/off-campus interviews, walk-in interview and company interviews).
– Anyone preparing for entrance examinations and other competitive examinations.
– All – Experienced, Freshers and Students.

The following topics are covered :
⁃Vectors for Gene Cloning.
⁃Manipulation of Purified DNA & Introduction of DNA into Living Cells.
⁃Cloning Vectors for E.Coli.
⁃Cloning Vectors for Eukaryotes.
⁃Production of Proteins from Cloned Genes.
⁃Basic Biology of Plasmid and Phage Vectors.
⁃Cloning in Archae, Cloning in Bacteria other than E.Coli.
⁃Basic Techniques in Recombinant DNA Technology.
⁃Gene Cloning Strategies, Sequencing Genes, Changing Genes & Bioinformatics.
⁃Manipulating DNA in Microbes.

This app ask you multiple questions and all are asked randomly so you can learn more and more. And if you don’t know any of the questions then you can check the correct answer by hint button to view the question.

The best part of the app its the score it gives you score for each attempt and at last you can check your total score out of 20. By this you can make competition with your friends and make high score. In this app you will have to finish 20 questions before the progress completed otherwise your exam will be end.